Rob Roy Glacier Track

We hiked the Rob Roy Glacier Track for my birthday, and it made for such a fabulous day.

Elliott and I try to surprise each other with birthday adventures each year (but it’s not always a surprise). We lucked out with great weather to follow a recommendation we heard often - to hike this track in Mount Aspiring National Park. This trail leads to a couple viewpoints of the Rob Roy Glacier, and you’ve got to be there at the right time of year to avoid avalanches.

The first bit of track follows along, then crosses the West Matukituki River via a gorgeous swing bridge. You may start to notice the fascination I have with these swing bridges. After crossing the crystal blue waters, the hike continues through native beech forest to the first glacier viewpoint. There were benches to stop for a snack and take in the views, but we continued onward and upward. Passing the avalanche warning signs, we continued through the bush to the head of the valley. The view of the glacier from here was amazing, and there was plenty of room to wander away from the other hikers.

We had made stops along the way to play in the river and enjoy the cold glacier waters, but spent quite a bit of time soaking in the views up top and listening for rockfalls in the distance. I think in the hour we stared at the glacier we saw and heard four or five rock and ice falls, and it was such a cool thing to experience.

Hike: Rob Roy Glacier Track
Distance: 10 km / 6.2 miles return
Elevation Gain/Loss: 400 meters / 1,310 feet
Time: 3-4 hours