Exploring Seville

Seville is the capital of Spain’s Andalusia region and is so vibrant and inviting.

If you only have 48 hours in this beautiful city, you better get a move on! We had a bit of a whirlwind trip through Southern Spain in order to make a meetup with some friends, but still managed to see the sights we meant to see. We lucked out and unknowingly visited during Feria de Abril, the annual spring festival celebrated throughout the city that beckons locals to dress in their fanciest traditional clothing and parade through town in equally fancy horse carriages. It’s a festive time and draws a lot of Spaniards together to celebrate. While this meant our accommodation prices were through the roof, we are sure glad we timed it the way we did.

We enjoyed Seville primarily on foot, exploring the old town and the impressive array of architecture. We cooled off from the heat with tinto de verano (summer wine) and tapas. We strolled through the gardens and admired the intricate details of La Plaza de España. We learned about Spanish traditions by way of a corrida de toros. I’m omitting bullfight photos from this post because I know it’s controversial. Ask for some if you’re curious!

It’s amazing sight after amazing sight, a stroll through the park and along the river, and suddenly 48 hours has vanished.. off to Barcelona!